--I need to thank you for the heads up. I joined after I saw your posting and am on £5 already...— TPO (@tpomanners) November 14, 2018
The above post was a nice one to get, as you put these tweets out and wonder, do people actually see them, from the response they obviously do.
Currently sitting on £26 which is quite a lead over Yougov, must admit at the moment I am normally happier to receive a Populus poll compared to a Yougov one. There is still the in trepidation of will I get accepted as one the other day got you to fill out about 10 questions and then tell you that you are not needed, but at this rate it seems populus will be the first to hit £50. But as they pay out on the points you have on the first of the month it could well be the 1st Jan total which is the one which means I have hit 50
Now you get a steadier trickle of surveys from Yougov, but at 50p a time I must admit I have skipped at least one, I am guessing that if I was retired I would be all over them, but as this is in my free time, I simply pass it by, but if I want to get towards the £50 I must get a bit more orderly, it is after all just 8 or 10 mins. I can waste that watching the news.
I have in total £43.40 as my balance between the 2 polling companies, over a 6 week period, not bad. Only get anything when they hit £50 but both well on the way, but it does look like Populus will get there first, yet as you can claim Yougov at anytime the wait till the 1st of the month may well be the advantage to YOUGOV claim anytime you hit £50. We will see.

Want your opinions to be heard? Then why not join YOUGOV polling surveys https://t.co/uUhF7D0qM0— retireatfifty (@retireatfifty) October 10, 2018
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