Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Supercharged 1p challenge update

So far so good with my supercharged 1p challenge, for those who don't know how a 1p challenge work it is quite, simple each day you save 1p more than the day before, so day 1, you put away 1p, day 2 you put away 2p day 3 you put away 3p and so on in a year at day 365 you would be putting away £3.65. This works out to over £667.

So I worked out as I had nearly 6 years until retirement, what would happen if I carried that on for the 2,165 days and it would be over £23,400. An amazing figure with such a simple concept. Noe to me, getting a penny, then two pence, and so on seemed a bit of a chew, also I wanted to see results quickly as we all do. So for the first 50 days I have put a £1 a day away, totalling £50 now. With the intention of working out a way of upping the amount per day at certain times.

Below is a table I have worked, out and if I can keep to it, it shows the results of my actions, now come next year I am more than likely to keep it at £10 a day as that is £300 pound a month on average plus other savings I am making such as not spending money at work. It is great to see your goal, but it is no good setting one which is unachievable.

Would love your thoughts folks.


end of monthdays in totalmoney saved per dayTotal savedcomparative 1p challengeHow much ahead of the standard challenge
up to the end of Oct50£!£50£12.75+£37.25
Jan 2019132£4£327£87.78+£239.22


Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

38 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 48 Miles in October 141 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £114 at work (£51 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


I can deal with most things in life, but an icy morning when it has just rained through the night and then turned to black ice, is something which keeps you on your toes, well smaller steps at least, in case you were to fall on your 'arris. It took away one of the things which I enjoy about walking to work, you almost can walk in auto pilot mode whilst letting your mind wander, whether it be dreams of what you are going to do in the future, random arguments had in your head with colleagues or bosses because things can be done better or just a wistful look around and thinking of what it?

Yesterday though was firmly in the present though, no thoughts allowed. I have never had the greatest of balance and never quite knowing where the ice on the road was, trying to walk along the driest or least iced parts of the path, using logic of where the road works had occurred they had left a rough surface which meant least likely to slip. But as I sit here writing this, I thought maybe it was for the good even though I didn't enjoy it at the time, but for the first time in a while I really did have to focus on the present. Not be lost in future or past thoughts. I can't say it was an enjoyable way to do it, and maybe it is what added to the uncomfortableness of the situation. Bu it was a new experience, not one I am sure I wish to recreate.

In other news, I completed the 12 hour shift at work, and that was where my thoughts were always in the future, and how long until that 8pm time came around, but the anchors to the present which are my customers whom I talk to, are a much better way to enjoy the here and now, they focus you on now, and it is great to share thoughts and notions, comforting to think you are not the only one who thinks as you do, even more comforting that you don't think as some do.

Maybe I just think to much? This is October complete now for this part of the project, tomorrow is for statistics and November the 1st brings the start of a whole new month, who knows I may eventually find someone brave enough to comment on this blog.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

37 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 45 Miles in October 138 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £111 at work (£48 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


So yesterday brought the first fall of snow to the North East, well I say snow it was more like sleet, but an hour walk through it to work and then 12 hours at work sat in the damp clothes wouldn't have been much fun. So if you are taking note the mileage in the stats has stayed the same whilst the money saved has gone up by £3.

Luckily I have a loving wife who doesn't mind giving me a lift of a moving, and that's not just by saying "You look great darling, now walk to work" I do honestly feel bad and always do try to walk to work rather than get our lass up, though I am sure my wife would say I do wilt quite easily some days. So as I say mileage the same money up to a nelson 111.

Each day is becoming more of an achievement, more of a shout to the world "JUST LOOK WHAT YOU CAN DO". Already thinking ahead at the 100 day mark it will be £300 saved, now folks may find it difficult to put aside any sum of money these days, but what about that luxury coffee or bag of crisps or bag of sweets, don't buy it and put the money onto one side, and after time like grains falling through an hour glass, you can have a reasonable pile after a time.

anyway enough my thoughts would love to read yours.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

36 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 45 Miles in October 138 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £108 at work (£45 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Each day I do this project, the prouder I become of keeping up the momentum, now proud sounds a bit twee, I might find a better word as I continue to write, but it has been whats stopped me from spending money when I get to a low ebb, and I do feel good when I am talking to colleagues that I have saved myself over a hundred pounds now, and how far I have walked. So as feelings go it is a good one.

What I really need to hold onto is those good feelings, yesterday I was at a low ebb, not particularly with this project but work in general, you find yourself becoming a robot, and questioning why do I have to do this job? Then within 2 calls all that changed. We should indeed be glad of the reward of helping others, but we still have bills, and I have this project/challenge. I get a bonus at work, which would make the duckworth lewis method seem simple, I have suggested for a long time that why don't they simply reward by having a scheme which simply works on the basis of sell A get B, even set it so you might not get as much as our current scheme, but it would give the best results in regards the harder you work, the more work you get through the more bonus you get.

Yesterday was an example of call after call, nothing happening, low level abuse, low level psychological warfare between you and the customer, and you see any chance of a bonus disappearing, then within 2 calls I made as much revenue as I could have done in three days. I fell lucky, much like walking to work today and being lucky enough to find a tenner along the way. So you don't feel as though any work has been rewarded, just being in the right place at the right time, but it did suggest that is it, that is the answer. You have to be in that right place and you do get your rewards, so when I am getting down with this project, be aware of the rewards and that they will be good days and you need to be in the right place and if you are there all the time, you can't but help be there at the right time.

What's your thoughts?

Friday, October 26, 2018

35 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 42 Miles in October 135 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £105 at work (£42 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


You do your best to just get your head down and carry on some days, other days you feel as though you have been wired to the mains and have far too much energy to control. Yesterday had both those set of experiences for the first 5 hours I felt absolutely wired, no particular reason. On the way to work I had been thinking about How hopefully by the end of next month I would have saved my first grand. But come the afternoon all the enthusiasm, quick wit and energy had gone, it was back into safety mode. It is always more effort to be happy than be sad. Yesterdays happy spurt didn't half take it out of me.

The EBAY saga is coming to an end, just 2 more items to go and then I can close the door on EBAY Click this link to read why. It can be draining when you just want to do a simple task and it becomes so complex.

The opinion polls is one of the way forwards Click this link to read more about them . It maybe a slow way forward but every little helps.

So for today, a slightly different way of working today at work, a new system needs to be used, and as I have a formulaic way of working I am never one who treats change as a refreshing challenge, but more like an unwanted guest at a table for 8 and you now have to reset the table to accommodate them, ruining your display.

Anyways, would love your thoughts on this or any of the links above.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Yougov 0 v 0 Populus

Being paid for online polling, now this may not be for everyone, as you have to click buttons to say you don't care what you do with me my information. Now to me, it seems folks collect your information all the time in the back ground and don't pay you a penny for it, so why not answer a few questions and get a £50 cheque every so often for the trouble.


They work on a 100 points equals a £1 you reach 5,000 points you can claim your £50 which is then paid into your bank in 4 weeks. You get a 100/£1 on your joining survey and all the other surveys I have done have only been 50 points so 50p a time. You get an extra 10/10p for answering do you like / dislike well know people or products. You also have something populus don't do which is refer a friend for this you get 200 points / £2 for that person joining and completing 6 surveys.


Are known for being the most generous with their polls, My first one got me £2 on the bounce they work a scheme of a £1 a point then when you reach 50 points they send you a cheque for £50 they automatically do this unlike yougov where you have to claim it. Your 50 points is dependent on what you have at the beginning of each month it also takes them 4 weeks to send the cheque out to you.

This is all a slow burner. But has the potential to gather some revenue, as I am sure the pollsters will be busy with brexit and any up coming General Election. I have been reserved on prediction saying 50 pound every 4 months making £150 a year making £950 towards my goal, I think that could be double, but we will see in the future.

As I write about the polling experience I will use the header to show many £50s I have received from each one. Currently it is nil nil.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Is ebay as good as you think it is?

Now for #Gotober I thought I would have a clear out. Get rid of a few bits and pieces which have been on shelves, in drawers or in the garage, either taking up space or gathering dust, or in most cases both.

Now how do you go about selling some 3d glasses or an emperor Dalek figurine? They are not everyday items, and so having tried ebay back in the day and made a tidy sum for my step daughters graduation expenses as her father didn't wish to contribute. I thought why not do so again.

I was realistic, looked about at prices for most of the items, and then set them a few quid below. My thought process was, they may well be worth more but I would be happy to get rid as now I have no money for them and them taking up space. So any money for them is a bonus,

Photos taken, individual auctions set, although not as I remembered because I am sure you used to be able to set timers for them and have them for up to 10 days, with the doctor who stuff I thought I would set it for just after the first new episode. But as I would be watching it (disappointed but that's another post) I wanted to set the system to start the auctions then. But it wouldn't let me do it, so I went with the flow set to 7 days, I also had to correct the postage, as all seemed quite low, and having stood in the post office when someone was asked to pay £14 because it was over 2kg, was mindful of not putting items together but ensuring I charged enough for postage and packaging, as packaging ain't free. any difference would go towards the fee ebay charged as it would be nice if you got £9.99 to actually get as much of that £9.99.

Anyways, all quite quiet, then you get the chancers, will you accept a lower figure for the item? Then someone over offered, but would not put a auction bid in. Which got me to thinking if I have asked for 5 and they have offered 20 what is it actually worth? I looked through their profile to see they have sold lots of the same item for more, and so as it was not a collector I refused the offer and said feel free to bid in the auction. (It actually sold to someone else for 5, my loss but that's the chance you take and I accept that, life is a gamble) Other items were having one bid, others got offers, after losing out on the 20 when I got 5 I accepted an offer which was slightly over for one of my DVDs. This sent ebay into a spin. It seems accepting any offer before the auction ends means that they then keep hold of the money for 21 days or until the person leaves positive feedback, folks are never in a hurry to do that.

I then had a look at all the fees, PayPal take a chunk for just processing the payment, much is along the same sort of rates as a pay for cash machine. I thought somehow as paypal and ebay are under the same company umbrella that they took the commission as they processed the money due to the seemingly steep fee, but I was wrong. Ebay have a running total of fees, they take a percentage from the selling price and also from the postage costs. So they set a low postage charge which could leave you paying more than you took for postage, and they then take a cut of that figure separately as well.

They also on this new system automatically re list your item, after talking to an ebay representative to find out what to do, as my money was locked. They said, eventually you could be then also charged for re listing items as Ebay automatically up to seven times. To resolve this, I had to go through each item and tick a box to not have it automatically relisted.

Then the sales, most went through fine, posted item, got positive feedback. One item which was a single DVD only needed to be sent as a large letter. So no need for proof of posting other than receipt to say bought stamp. Anything extra in regards of postage is chargeable and ebay would have had a cut of that and also stop you from raising it above certain levels as ebay fixes it so you can't say £5 to post it so I can cover every eventuality. Now to me charge what you like it is down to the buyer if they wish to pay and it is me left with the item if they don't pay it.

But I get a message I haven't received the DVD and at the same time, so not waiting a reply, put in a want a refund request. So the buyer without waiting for a reply and 3 days since buying the item could badger for their money back. I thought to myself, to be honest how stupid I had been, leaving myself wide open to the person who may have had the DVD but still filled out a form to say they haven't. What proof have I got? And how little the buyer has to say they haven't had it.

Luckily as I mailed regularly from the Friday through to the Monday when it turned up I got a message from ebay saying the buyer has had the item. As I defended myself the best way I could, by saying I have no reason not to send it, and there is feedback from all the other buyers to say they had, had their items.

But that did get me to thinking that the system seems to be skewed towards the buyer.

Then a few days ago I get a message saying a pair of 3d glasses didn't charge, they had bought 2 for a tenner I later found out they are worth a lot more, but hey ho that is the thing in life and I ain't greedy they were going to use them I was going to get a tenner. But nope, they found one didn't charge and would test the other. They then ask for a refund for both and I have to pay for them to return them. I explain I am no techie, and why if one didn't work, did you open the other box and turn them from new and sealed to a used item, having seen the true price of them I could have had the new ones returned checked them and sent them out as checked.

But no, yet again the buyer can have you over a barrel, now it might be fun to get an item from a large chain of stores, wear it once and then return it thinking no harm done, or order three items and return the ones you don't want, but not on a private sale, (actually sure I clicked no returns,) but hey. Ebay case opened. I have a choice. let buyer keep items and return all the money to them so effectively pay to post your items out to someone. Option 2, I can pay for them to return supposedly faulty items and have them back but have paid more for them to return them,no limits I suspect on what they pay to send them back. Option 3 (which is the one I have gone for) give them a partial refund and they keep both. But isn't that possible for everyone to gamble on you not wanting to do the first 2 options because of the additional expense?

No burden of proof is needed by the buyer, the seller at all times has 7 days to respond otherwise ebay pay them back, buyer has 30 days to think about my offer.

All in all it left a bitter taste, partly thinking I might as well have gone to a cash converter and get a daft price but have no hassle or give it to charity, at least it would have done some good. But if this is the model ebay continues with then I won't be using it ever again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

34 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 39 Miles in October 132 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £102 at work (£39 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Yesterday, happened to be the closest yet I have found myself to nearly breaking the run of not spending money at work. I was at the point of justification. Maybe you have had that same thought yourself. I will buy this or that, which in your mind know you don't need, but then justify it by saying you had the money spare anyway, or it will just fit nicely in that corner only for it to be used once and then forgotten. 

Yesterday I had that same experience, it was the last break of the day, morale at a low ebb, due to self inflicted thoughts and I was getting a coffee from the vending machine and looking over at the sweets machine, thinking if I spend a pound then I could say today I have put £2 away instead of £3. It is nearly the end of the shift I were thinking and it is not like spending £3. Justification after justification, excuse after excuse. I did however manage to simply take my free coffee and go back to work. Not then helped by someone eating at the desk next to me. I almost thought of committing a highway well deskway robbery of their food. But thought the HR meeting wouldn't be worth it. So carried on with my shift and felt an enormous sense of well being, that I managed to get to the end of the shift without wilting. Actually I was just glad to get out the building and on my way home. This morning I felt the "YAY" you didn't give in.

My reward was an email from someone moaning about something I had sold them on ebay, but that is a thought for tomorrow.

Monday, October 22, 2018

33 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 36 Miles in October 129 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £99 at work (£36 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Saturday was a long old shift, and over the past few posts I have been writing down my thoughts about time, and where someones mind may be, forever looking to the future, enjoying the present or living in the past. My own worry was about always being in the future, looking forward to the goal I have set in this project, but not enjoying the day, almost wishing my life away so I can get to a point, which in itself is a worry, of when I actually get to that point. What if I don't like it?

Well Saturday was a get through the day, look forward to 8pm, and I did enjoy it. and Sunday was a trip to the seaside with my wife, to have a walk along the prom and hear the breaking waves, it also means we got another 4 miles walking in so added to the monthly total.

Our lass is very good at grounding the high flying kite f my imagination, I would flutter of with my dreams, not actually checking if I was tethered and could come back down again. Our lass sees this as a bad thing, but I do try to say to her "You need a base, you need a counter weight" which can get the reply of "You saying I am fat". But seriously the future is bright and I am not trying to wish my life away but it is difficult when you don't enjoy everything you do right now and hope for the freedoms you believe you will get in the future.

In other news, another YOUGOV poll I am up to £8.80 as someone joined and had a go at the polls as well, you are free to do so as well, follow the link below.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

32 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 29 Miles in October 122 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £96 at work (£33 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Day by day, week by week, month by month. That is the way I should look at this, keep to the basics. The time spent on this project has helped me get through days where I would have retreated towards food. Although I know have circumvented and cheated the system, as with yesterday it was a launch day for a new product at work so we had sweets and food galore free, so I was the pig in a muddy puddle. Well! it didn't break any rules, I wasn't paying for it. But maybe still I should show restraint.

Other thoughts crept in through the day, of how it would be like to be off with our lass, not having to work, not having to follow the regime of having to be at work, actually being a free person. This led to what I wrote about yesterday, having your mind wander to the future, and not enjoying the present. My main worry yesterday being, that if in 6 years time I hit the goal, what if it doesn't make me happy?

That is six years of anticipation, for what? I have to calm myself with the share scheme that I am in, recently the share have risen by 10%, but there is still another 57 months to go before they mature, the other day I read an article where just before the workers were going to sell their shares the company issued a profits warning and so all the money they thought they were going to get was slashed by 80%. So I think at the moment it is difficult to find which place to find solitude in, I look to the future to escape today, but then worry it might not be the future I want it to be or it may not be the future I want it to be.

Sometimes I think that I just think too much, where do you find your thoughts, in the past, present or future.

Friday, October 19, 2018

31 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 26 Miles in October 119 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £93 at work (£30 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


One thing which does get me down is spending your thinking time in the future and not enjoying the present. With this project I am always mindful of the goal I am heading towards, which is gathering the £50,000 I try to help me stay focused by monitoring how much I have already gathered and how well the projection is doing, or what I might need to do to improve it. But it always means I am steering more away from the here and now and starting to wander of in my mind to the future, what will it be like when? Always thinking of the end of the month, next month when I increase the saving on my 1p challenge, a year from now when I have been saving that long, 5 years when the shares mature. always into the future. 

I put a lot of it down to the fact that maybe I don't enjoy today, and this wanting to gather the money is to keep away from the moment which I don't enjoy. When ever I feel weak and think lets have that gamble, lets buy that choccy bar. I think of how I feel and why I am going for the goal. 

Now if it brings happiness is another matter, and a fear of when in 6 years I hit the goal, will I be looking to the future or will I enjoy that here and now of reaching my destination?

Monday, October 15, 2018

30 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 23 Miles in October 116 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £90 at work (£27 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Today I have gone back to my old blog post heading for these posts, I previously thought it a bit of mouthful, my other option was simply saying day 28, 29 and so on which sounded a bit like (and create your own Geordie accent) It's day 29 in the Big Brother house. The final nail in the coffin was today I am not actually at work, I have got restricted use of my voice, which can be a big of blow when you work taking and responding to calls.

The millage has been added because I will this afternoon go and walk to meet our lass when she finishes work. I don't like putting down for items not already done, but I really need to meet our lass when she leaves work as she needs the support today. Her first day back after a lot of stress from work.

As for the money, well I haven't been at work so haven't spent the money so will put another £3 in the pot.

Completed another yougov survey and so another 60p in the pot, as with lots of sayings, such as Q. How do you eat an Elephant? A. One mouthful at a time. or which would probably be more politically correct, How do you complete a 1,000 mile journey A. One step at a time. It may seem daft that I comment on 60p but they all add up and over 6 years it is £1,000 Which is something folks would not be so sniffy at. So today there will be a few more posts around things I have done, such as a book I have read, and the Yougov surveys why don't you try it as well?

If you have any thoughts on ways to make money, then feel free to comment.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

DAY 29


So far I have walked 20 Miles in October 113 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £87 at work (£24 of which in October) on sweets and snacks I don't really need.


Annoyingly the mileage has stayed the same, due to storm Callum, well due to me not wanting to walk 3 miles in the rain and already having a cold and sore throat. About an hour and a half into my shift, my voice wasn't getting any better, I had a sudden bout of sickness, a quick glance to the team leader, a text to our lass and I am home again.

It is so annoying to have thoughts but not be able to just burst out with them, maybe I should learn from these days of making every word count, as they are so difficult to utter. I will more than likely not be at work on Monday, so again no more mileage but will add the £3 regardless, need to keep that going. When pay day comes around I will be add all this to the total. I think that will cheer my spirits when I see everything building up again.

Another day another survey and yes it may only be 50p but every penny counts that is over a grand by the time I am 50.

Click this link to see how all these endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Day 28


So far I have walked 20 Miles in October 113 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £84 at work (£21 of which in October) on sweets and snacks I don't really need.


Yesterday I was full of cold, and the weather was miserable, the situation today hasn't changed much, voice just about there, kind of need it as my job is talking on the phone and storm Callum or the remnants of, is causing the rain outside. So our lass loves us, so will get another lift to work, it means the mileage hasn't changed but the money not spent will as you see have gone up, I am closing in on a £100.

In other news, I have revised the opinion poll income stream upwards from £50 a year to £150 a year. Based on the fact it seems you get 50p a survey every day, so if this continues over a year that is over £180 as it won't be all the time I have factored I should get £50 every 4 months. This is from just doing one, if the Yougov one slows up then I have at least 5 others I can join as well. As I have work, and I want this to stay fun and not monotonous I am just doing Yougov for the moment.

follow the link below 

Click this link to see how close to the target I am