Sunday, October 7, 2018

25 days of walking to and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 12 Miles in October 105 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £75 at work (£12 of which in October) on sweets and snacks I don't really need.


Why is it when you are away from a keyboard, pen and paper or any means of capturing thoughts you seem to have the most coherent philosophical ramblings? Yet I sit here now, and I can barely remember a thing. That is why I enjoy walking to work, because it opens up my mind to that theoretical thought process. I may well enjoy theoretical over practical, as theory you normally end up just thinking about and practical has to be done, and I am sure we are all inherently lazy to some form of degree.

Well today I am putting 3 days into one, as day one and two were taken up by the grand kids and day three just happened to be a cheeky 12 hours shift at work. Well I say 12 hours of work, but this is where I am writing this post now and mailing it to myself to post later. As noted above I will have lots of ideas, but by the time I am sat at home and opening new blog post, my mind will go a blank.

25 days of walking to work which means I have reached a milestone, of completing over the 100 mile mark, and money wise I would have not spent £75, which I know people may scoff and think it is small fry, but a wall is made up of a collection of bricks, to lay that wall you have to put one brick down at a time. So these reports of 1 day, 2 day, 3 days etc of walking to and not spending money at work. May seem why are you going on about it, but it is me discussing the placing of each brick. It helps build the mindset, and on more than one occasion it has stopped me from slipping into spending money on snacks I really didn’t need. So it is worth it.

Does what I am going on about make sense? Will anyone ever read this? Whats the point? Lots of questions go through my mind, but then again I have lots of thoughts go through my mind as I walk from point A to point B, and I never remember them all but they are all part of the journey and help me reach a destination, my destination is to hit the goal of £50,000 and each of these bricks, whether it be £3 a day or the share scheme, it all helps reach that goal. So if no one ever sees me reaching the goal, as long as I reach it, I can easily bask in the glory of getting there all by myself.

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