Tuesday, October 23, 2018

34 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 39 Miles in October 132 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £102 at work (£39 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Yesterday, happened to be the closest yet I have found myself to nearly breaking the run of not spending money at work. I was at the point of justification. Maybe you have had that same thought yourself. I will buy this or that, which in your mind know you don't need, but then justify it by saying you had the money spare anyway, or it will just fit nicely in that corner only for it to be used once and then forgotten. 

Yesterday I had that same experience, it was the last break of the day, morale at a low ebb, due to self inflicted thoughts and I was getting a coffee from the vending machine and looking over at the sweets machine, thinking if I spend a pound then I could say today I have put £2 away instead of £3. It is nearly the end of the shift I were thinking and it is not like spending £3. Justification after justification, excuse after excuse. I did however manage to simply take my free coffee and go back to work. Not then helped by someone eating at the desk next to me. I almost thought of committing a highway well deskway robbery of their food. But thought the HR meeting wouldn't be worth it. So carried on with my shift and felt an enormous sense of well being, that I managed to get to the end of the shift without wilting. Actually I was just glad to get out the building and on my way home. This morning I felt the "YAY" you didn't give in.

My reward was an email from someone moaning about something I had sold them on ebay, but that is a thought for tomorrow.

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