Saturday, October 27, 2018

36 Days of walking to work and not spending money at work


So far I have walked 45 Miles in October 138 miles in total since starting this blog

I have stopped myself from spending £108 at work (£45 of which in October) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.

Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal. 


Each day I do this project, the prouder I become of keeping up the momentum, now proud sounds a bit twee, I might find a better word as I continue to write, but it has been whats stopped me from spending money when I get to a low ebb, and I do feel good when I am talking to colleagues that I have saved myself over a hundred pounds now, and how far I have walked. So as feelings go it is a good one.

What I really need to hold onto is those good feelings, yesterday I was at a low ebb, not particularly with this project but work in general, you find yourself becoming a robot, and questioning why do I have to do this job? Then within 2 calls all that changed. We should indeed be glad of the reward of helping others, but we still have bills, and I have this project/challenge. I get a bonus at work, which would make the duckworth lewis method seem simple, I have suggested for a long time that why don't they simply reward by having a scheme which simply works on the basis of sell A get B, even set it so you might not get as much as our current scheme, but it would give the best results in regards the harder you work, the more work you get through the more bonus you get.

Yesterday was an example of call after call, nothing happening, low level abuse, low level psychological warfare between you and the customer, and you see any chance of a bonus disappearing, then within 2 calls I made as much revenue as I could have done in three days. I fell lucky, much like walking to work today and being lucky enough to find a tenner along the way. So you don't feel as though any work has been rewarded, just being in the right place at the right time, but it did suggest that is it, that is the answer. You have to be in that right place and you do get your rewards, so when I am getting down with this project, be aware of the rewards and that they will be good days and you need to be in the right place and if you are there all the time, you can't but help be there at the right time.

What's your thoughts?

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