Friday, August 31, 2018

Day 2 of no added sugar complete.

Now for some folks, and our lass would be one of them, they would a lot more stringent on criteria and the like. For me it is making those little changes to make big long term gains.

I used to have 6 weetabix each morning put half a pint of milk on them and then sprinkle sugar over several tea spoons, even equate to several desert spoons. I then cut down to four, and now I have cut down to buttering them. So now no milk, no sugar added. I am sure someone will tell me about the evils of butter.

As for tea consumption, that would be several a day, 6 or more if off work at least 4 if at work and then coffees at work from the free vending machine with the sugar dosage put up high. Yesterday was the first day at work with this regime, so no coffee was taken, I swapped it for water having took a pint glass.

I did last night have one mug of tea. It is the exception for the day. Our lass made it, so it would have at least half the sugar I would have normally put in it. and it is the joker I will play each day, I hope to get through days without playing the joker, But one mug of tea is a lot better than 4 or more.

Funnily enough last night was the first time for a while I haven't had to trott to the toilet in the night.

Anyways, I am 2 days in, hoping to make it a lot longer and also to have an effect on the scales next week..

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