Monday, September 3, 2018

13 days of walking to and not spending money at work

Number 13, they say unlucky for some. Well I would have wrote about day 12 but on Saturday the Internet was down, so we have skipped to 13. Saturday has probably been the most trying day yet. Took a dinner to work, but still felt hungry before and felt tempted afterwards. It was when I first failed on the NO ADDED SUGAR quest. So that didn't make it passed 2 days. I wasn't going to buy sweets but I did need a shot of coffee. Was like a junky needing their fix, got craggy and restless, not sure if it is a pattern you get into so its something you get used to doing, so breaking that pattern and replacing it with another activity will make it better or I really did need a shot of caffeine?

But I did do another 3 miles of walking which means 65 miles in total since starting this and that was the first 3 miles of September I have 62 miles to beat from August. Here >>> August in stats a link to the month in stats, not bad for a full month.

As for not spending money at work. that totals £39 now of which £3 is for September, that was the opportunity cost for me going in my head, do I get a free coffee to relieve the pangs or buy some sweets? the NO ADDED SUGAR was a shorter term risk so I kept the longer running not spending money. But I need to get back on track for the diet, and my own well being. A slimmer, fitter me will enjoy retirement longer, will enjoy life more and our lass will be happier and not worry about my size.

Well, onwards and upwards.

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