So far I have walked 20 Miles in December 213 miles in total since starting this blog
I have stopped myself from spending £215 at work (£35 of which in December) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.
Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal.
Target or Deadline?
Is it better to have a target or a deadline? I think over the past few months and especially weeks/days we have seen the issue with having a deadline. I have to have this done by a set date, which means if you don't have it done and it has to be done to proceed, it can all get very messy. For some folks it focuses their minds and means where something may seem impossible it finally gets done at the last minute because it had to be done by the deadline, and all minor or even major issues become small in comparison to the deadline. So deadlines can cripple or excel depending on the circumstance.
As for targets, they are usually based chopped into smaller portions, the statement "I am going to climb a mountain" could fill most folks with dread. How can this be achieved? A mountain is so high. But you achieve this by cutting down the target into portions, How do I climb a mountain? One step at a time is the answer. So how do I save £50,000 which is my own target, well that is one penny at a time.
Now I have set myself a target and a deadline. It does help focus the mind, as I may say "I am going to save £50,000, I will do this one penny at a time, but then take 40 or more years to do it. The deadline I have set is for when my wife retires officially and I hit 50. I wish t spend more time with her and to do this and for my wife to feel comfortable I would have to have sufficient funding behind me to cover the bills. Also needing to drawer an income and this is why I am looking at the shares.
When I have the deadline I can then breakdown the target by the time left itself, so this allows me to know if I am on or off target, do I have the reassurance of knowing I am on track or do I need to press harder. Currently I am ahead of target, it doesn't mean I will take my foot off the gas, it just means I hope to exceed my target.
I kind of feel that folks should already know this, I get the impression of having the conversation with my Granny of "Here is an egg, you suckle it from this end" But this blog does a good thing for me, even if no one else reads it, it focuses my mind, it shows me I am on track if I feel down, and lets me know where I can improve. The target page is a click able link in red near the top.
If you have a comment feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

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