So far I have walked 17 Miles in December 210 miles in total since starting this blog
I have stopped myself from spending £210 at work (£30 of which in December) on sweets and snacks, I don't really need.
Click this link to see how all the endeavours are helping to build towards the final goal.
It has been an interesting few days in the news, and has gotten me to thinking. Certain things do trigger memories which you had boxed away. The first thought was about the surprise cheque which I received, It seems you do not get anything in life for nothing, the payment for this was not physical or monetary but more mental. I had to contact the bank which was sending me the money to advise them of my name change, because when I married our lass I had taken her name and not the other way around which is the tradition. Was it a noble act from myself, I would say in part yes, because our lass had been married before and had already had to change details from her then married name back to her maiden name. So I thought I was helping by this time, me being the one her had to do all the leg work (waste of time because if you move from Miss to Mrs even though you keep the same name you still have to show proof) I also wished to put a line in the sand with my past life, and getting rid of my then surname was the last piece I thought. However you can never escape your memories, this cheque proved this and although it gave me answers to a nagging question I had stored under "head in bucket situation". I do kind of wonder if it was worth £83.32 but then I thought of adding it to this project and it outweighed any of the dirt it had raked up in my memories.
The second thought was about Brexit and deadlines, Now I have set myself a deadline with this project, of hitting my goal by the time I am 50, in all reasonableness I do know I may have to compromise and go for semi retirement more then the full retirement I would like. But currently I am working full steam ahead to the full version, other wise if you work for the semi, you will be lucky to get that. As for Brexit, it was connected to my memories from the cheque, I walked out on a bad situation. I left with all that I could put in some bin bags and a sports bag, the bit of money I had at the time, and a lot of hope and inspiration our lass said when she had come to collect me that day. Now I might be wrong, but I thought when folks voted leave, they voted to leave. It was like a divorce, you may wish to be amicable, but if you want out of the relationship, you want out at all costs and are willing to leave your memories, artifacts and even the house, just to get your freedom. I think 52% of folks in the UK were in that mindset and it would be interesting to truly get how many of the 48% of those who voted NO truly wanted to stay with Europe or didn't have the guts to leave and as with most of us just wanted to stay with what they know. As that seems to be the crux of most arguments now, look how bad things will be, you will be no good on your own, all commentaries to make us feel bad. Even the olive branch of why not just forget about it and just come back and have it like we used to. Now sometimes you can go back and work on it, but things are never the same, you also should trust instinct, if you wanted out you want out. I don't regret coming here and being with our lass, there is a time I wish I had trusted in our lass but we are now married and although our lass never lets me forget my own need to get away from things, she is special and it is why I am doing this project because I want to spend as much time as I can with her.
I think this cartoon is so right, you can't be all things to all people you can only ever go in one direction.

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