However I was able to keep up with the super charged 1 p challenge. and had been able to make a concerted effort with the opinion polls which led me to just £1 away from securing a £50 cheque, this should easily be resolved in April.
The actual saved has gone up and means I have saved over £2,300 which is good, the projection due to shares dropping and an inability to add to savings means the projected figures has dropped by a grand, although I am using the projected figure as a goal to work towards it is great to enjoy the achievements I have already made.
method of saving money | Actually saved | Projected values start | current projection | ahead or behind on projection | Current monthly average starting (August 2018) - 8 months so far | Value times 72 to give projected value | Monthly value needed to hit projection |
1p challenge (201 days up to 31st March) | £653 | £23,446.95 | £23,896.94 | + £449.99 | - | - | - |
shares (as of the 25th March) | £800 | Based on envisaged value of shares rise £15,000 | £7,964.95 | - £7,025.05 | - | - | - |
interest | £4.28 | £50 a year x 6 years £300 | £39.18 | -£260.82 | £0.54 | £39.18 | £4.16 |
Selling items / other | £850 | £1,200 a year raised x 6 years £7,200 | £7,650 | +£450 | £106.25 | £7,650 | £100 |
Google Adsense | 0 (£43.41 on account) | £120 a year x 6 years £720 | 0 | -£720 | 0 | 0 | £10 |
Completing Opinion poll Questionaires | 0 (£70.90) | £150 a year x 6 years £950 | 0 | -£950 | started in Oct 18 0 | started in Oct 18 (value x 70) 0 | started in Oct 18 (Target divided by 70) £13.57 |
available for a new idea | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
available for a new idea | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
available for a new idea | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Totals | £2,307.28 | £47,616.95 | £39,551.07 | -£8,065.88 | - | - | GOAL £50,000 |
Mar 2019 • 31 days
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Do you think that we are being conned into staying within the European Union? All of this constant barrage about #Brexit has been designed to demoralise the people into staying. #PeoplesMarchVote is the same as #PollTaxRiots we still pay far more now then we did back in the day.
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Dunelm Service@DunelmService Mar 16@retireatfifty Good Afternoon,
Our IT team are aware of this and working to ensure this is resolved.
Hopefully it will be running properly again soon
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