Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Good things do happen.

I write this wondering should I wait until I have actually received the cheque. But hey, when have I ever been able to keep my thoughts to myself?

You must have seen the PPI adverts?  Well, last year I got a cheque come through the post for a loan I had taken out 12 years ago. It was for around £83, I added it to the money saved, the lead up to the event did make me suspicious, first a letter came saying we owe you money, I was then expecting give us all your details and we will send you the money. So thought not falling for that.

Did however do an internet search and it seems other folks were getting the same letters, and the cheque came and it got banked, I on the off chance asked about the PPI on the loan, didn't think anymore of it, then last week got a letter to say I am getting over 7 grand.

This news came as an absolute god send, I am not struggling but this project would have been in doubt, holidays to pay, council tax time again, I would have struggled to put anything away, even had visions of having to dip into the money saved. This means I can pay the council tax out right so not 200 quid a month. Then splitting half with our lass. so we can both have money saved behind us.

It also means I can up the money per month saved by simply things sold or money saved. Which in turn means the target is officially over the £50,000 mark. I have not added the figure for the money yet, as I still await the cheque and it is till to be banked. But I am enjoying the planning.

You can see below how it has affected the projected targets

>>> scores on the doors <<<

All this came from something connected to my Mum, last year I found out via a search done by my wife on the internet, that my mum had died, when chasing it up, I got told they had tried to find me, I doubt they did, as they had time to clear her house, give it to charity, and a so call closed friend burnt the rest of her belongings including family photos.

So I would say this is a way of my mam shining down.

It certainly has boosted this back into life.

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